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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Out of this world testimony

Did you know aliens don't exist? I think most of us believe that, and I'm not poking fun at Jonni Joyce's testimony. She was sincere. She told Bellas she believes humans are not the only beings out there. She believes and is confident of a dog's ability to help on searches. But she does not believe "we will meet martians landing on the courthouse parking lot when we leave here together." She believes in dogs, but she does not believe they are capable of everything. Relating to the Anderson case, she does not believe dogs can pick up on a decomposition scent that was reportedly left at a place on Dec. 29 and the search didn't occur until Jan. 18. She says there are too many factors, such as weather, that affect the odor. However, Joyce did not know the weather that December and January of 2005 and 2006. Joyce did testify that her testimony about McNeil was based on the video we saw yesterday and her perception of his testimony, not any personal experience with McNeil or his dogs.
Dr. Larry Myers took the stand at 12:20. He was talking about his experience when we broke for lunch. He'll return to the stand at 2. Remember, the jurors are not back yet. It's been alluded to that Dr. Myers is the last witness the defense has, although, there is one more dog expert apparently sitting in the crowd... So will this take again another day without using hearing any testimony in front of the jury? We'll see. I'll be back with more around 3:30.

Oh I have to mention this, because I thought it was funny, but it has nothing to do with the Anderson case. A man in the courthouse today, probably in his early 20s, was wearing a bright orange shirt that said State Prison and had a series of numbers underneath. Is he alluding to something? I thought that was humorous amongst all this seriousness this morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh stop this already. I said it yesterday: this dog evidence is a stretch. Now an "expert" on dog handling agrees. Then again she believes in aliens...

This whole dog thing is mocking the criminal justice system. And in a capital murder case to boot! Shameful!

I'm beginning to think the prosecution is expending so much effort on it because they have nothing else.

You know what I'm waiting for? The "tip" phone call 11 days later. If they can show it came from Mr. Anderson's phone. Okay, that's evidence. May the Lord have mercy on his soul.

But if they don't bring up the call, or if the defense brings it up and can show it came from California or Antarctica, well then I hope the judge does the right thing and throws out this (so far) all too weak case.

June 14, 2007 at 1:48 PM  
Blogger Sawmills Citizen said...

Please... tell us what you really think.

June 14, 2007 at 2:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"I hope the judge does the right thing and throws out this (so far" all too weak case".

THROWS OUT???? I think Emily is entitled to hear EVERYTHING that has to be said in this court room. If she were a friend or relative of yours, I'm SURE you'd feel the same. It's called JUSTICE... and she's entitled to it.

June 14, 2007 at 4:55 PM  
Blogger KJ said...

I still cannot belive the whole deal. I have done Businness with Jerry and Emily and liked both of them very much.


June 15, 2007 at 11:08 AM  

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