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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

He says he never saw Emily again after Dec. 29, 2005

A Hispanic worker on the Anderson dairy farm says he saw Jerry drive a front-end loader down the road to a field. Martin Talas says he saw Emily behind Jerry in her white truck. Tales testified that he saw Jerry come back but Emily didn't. Talas said in the two and a half months he worked at the farm, Jerry only used the front-end loader four or five times. Talas also said he was asked to wash the front-end loader later that Dec. 29, 2005, day, a task he hadn't done before. Talas said he didn't do a good job cleaning the machine because the pressure washer was broken.
Robert Campbell asked Talas if Antonio (Talas's boss on the farm) told Talas what to tell law enforcement. After saying he didn't understand the question and Campbell reasking it, Talas said yes. Campbell also asked Talas several questions about the timing he saw all of this occur on Dec. 29. According to Campbell, he asked Talas if he remembered telling the cops that he last saw Emily around 8 o'clock. Talas said, no. In an interview with Bellas in April, Talas said he last saw Emily around 9 or 9:30. This morning he testified it was around 9:10. Talas said he didn't wear a watch at the farm and sometimes it was hard to know what time it was.
A confused Talas said at one point he didn't understand English very well. He had to have many questions repeated and didn't understand several of them.
Dee Watson's testimony wrapped up about 30 minutes into the morning. She basically answered a few questions asked yesterday about the lawyer she obtained to try to get Emily's possessions.
Talas is still on the stand. Campbell continues his questioning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon. The prosecution wants us to believe Mr. Anderson had an employee wash down part of the crime scene? Put yourself in a muderer's position. Would you ask a virtual stranger to wash off blood evidence after you killed your wife? Wouldn't you put a little more effort into keeping it a secret? Mr. Anderson may be some things, but does he strike you as an idiot?

And what does it all mean anyway?

My husband cleaned his truck over the weekend. Guess he probably killed someone.

June 20, 2007 at 11:46 AM  
Blogger Tinkerbell_28120 said...

Allison...are you Ms. Dubs?

June 20, 2007 at 12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing how people's memories get better over time! Me, I have the opposite problem.

This non-English speaking employee first told cops he last saw Emily at 8:00 right after the incident. Then two months ago it was between 9:00 and 9:30. Now today it is precisely 9:10. I scratch my head wondering how that works where your memory gets better and better over time...

And it is very important.

There was earlier testimony that Emily paid a bill at Martin Marietta between 8:30 and 10:00. So was she at the farm at 8:00 and seen by the employees, then headed over to pay the bill and go off to Sam's Club? And that's why the employees never saw her again because she was murdered elsewhere while she was out doing these errands? Or did she pay the bill, then return to the farm and get murdered there?

From the testimony, it sounds like either way works.

June 20, 2007 at 1:26 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

When you said your husband cleaned his truck over the week-end and you are wondering if he killed someone.....That is the most foolish statement I have ever heard.
First I was shocked that you had a husband. Next I feel sorry for him for it seems to me that you have a thing for Jerry.
GET HELP! Before it's too late.

June 20, 2007 at 3:49 PM  
Blogger Justwatchin said...

You're babbling Lee.. put the crack pipe down.

June 20, 2007 at 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My point exactly. Washing down a piece of farm equipment and equating it with murder is just as foolish.

Consider, if my husband went missing today, the prosecution could come up with the following facts:

- I took a shower this morning. (Aha! says the jury)

- I bought a knife sharpener a month ago. (Aha! says the jury)

- I purchased large garbage bags a few days ago. (Aha! says the jury)

- And I sometimes sit at the back of the church. (OMG! says me. How could such a statement be admitted into evidence??)

Therefore I'm guilty right?

There are things we do in everyday life which only look guilty when over eager minds want to make a fuss.

I wish they'd show real evidence and skip over all this innuendo meant to taint the onlookers. They are trying to merely flavor the stew without adding any meat.

June 20, 2007 at 4:15 PM  
Blogger ohplease said...

"Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Bloggers, keep that quote in mind. If the person who comments most often on here were half as smart as she thinks she is, she would have a career and would not spend the day spouting off her opinions on a blog. If you ignore her long enough, she'll most likely start using her multiple screen names to argue with herself.

June 20, 2007 at 4:34 PM  

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