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Friday, June 22, 2007

Evidence talk begins

Here's a really disturbing thought. Caldwell County Investigator Shelly Hartley is on the stand. She was the evidence technician for the Anderson investigation. A day after Emily's body was found, Hartley was taking finger prints. She found several prints on the inside of the toolbox above where Emily's head was when the body was located. Hartley did not say how many prints there were, but referenced two as she was showing the jurors photos of those prints. Hartley also hasn't said whose finger prints those are. What an awful, awful thing if it was Emily, maybe still alive, pushing at the toolbox. I can't imagine. That is just so awful. It makes me super... I don't know, sad or sympathetic, or something.
Here's something for CSI lovers. Hartley described her she got the fingerprints. It's called super glue fume. You use hot water, super glue, a candle, with a candle holder and foil. Once the flame hits the super glue, Hartley says it makes a fume. Then, if there are any prints, a white film is left. How interesting. I watch CSI. Not sure if I've seen that one.
Hartley is early in her testimony. Arant finished up after the defense asked a few questions. He said a South Carolina bank loan that Carolina Holsteins owed was around $900,000 or $800,000. He agreed that Jerry made payments over the last year or so before his arrest to have the loan down to just owing around $350,000. Arant also testified that Jerry was a hard worker with a good work ethic - one reason they all wanted to go into business with Jerry. Arant also said he didn't recall seeing Jerry with a gun but one time to distract some birds away from the cows.
Hartley will more than likely remain on the stand the rest of the afternoon. I'll be back then.


Blogger ret-investigator said...

If I remember correctly from the testimony of the medical examiner she stated one of the gunshots pentrated parts of the heart and death would have occured within a few minutes--so maybe she was not alive and trying to get out. Let's hope not. You are doing a great job keeping everyone up to date.

June 22, 2007 at 4:33 PM  
Blogger ret-investigator said...

Also reference the technique used to get the fingerprints is something that has been around for years--nothing new or fancy about that.

June 22, 2007 at 4:36 PM  

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