Lunch break
Jerry Anderson stares forward. Sometimes he rests his hands on his chin. He'll whisper to his attorneys every now and then. Sometimes he'll write notes, probably questions or facts, on sticky pads and pass them to his counsel. He looks serious. Other than that there's no emotion on his face. His demeanor doesn't seem to change if the conversation is specifically directed about Emily or evidence against him.
I sat behind Dee Watson, Emily's sister, in the courtroom this morning. I couldn't help but notice a bracelet she wears. It has photos of Emily in it. Emily has a huge smile in the photo I could. I've been told Emily was always smiling. She was a beautiful woman. I noticed one day Dee was wearing a pin with a photo of Emily in it. I can't imagine what this is like for her. It must be so hard.
Right before lunch, Robert Campbell was asking Hartley questions about the rape kit. The sheriff's office got the rape kit when the medical examiner finished her examination. The rape kit sat in evidence for 17 months. It was not sent to the SBI lab for examination, Hartley testified. She didn't say why, though. Maybe Campbell will ask that question when we return at 2. I'll be back around 3:30 p.m.
I sat behind Dee Watson, Emily's sister, in the courtroom this morning. I couldn't help but notice a bracelet she wears. It has photos of Emily in it. Emily has a huge smile in the photo I could. I've been told Emily was always smiling. She was a beautiful woman. I noticed one day Dee was wearing a pin with a photo of Emily in it. I can't imagine what this is like for her. It must be so hard.
Right before lunch, Robert Campbell was asking Hartley questions about the rape kit. The sheriff's office got the rape kit when the medical examiner finished her examination. The rape kit sat in evidence for 17 months. It was not sent to the SBI lab for examination, Hartley testified. She didn't say why, though. Maybe Campbell will ask that question when we return at 2. I'll be back around 3:30 p.m.
I cannot believe a vital piece of evidence (rape kit) has been in the evidence room for 17 months and never sent off for testing. What kind of investigators do they have at this Sheriff's Office. Beer drinking dogs for candaver searches,handler an expert witness,please tell me this is a real court of law.
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Good Lordy! Run the DNA tests on the rape kit. Jennifer M., you should write an article on this in your paper. Why on earth did the prosecution not do this test? It definitely looks like they are trying to railroad Mr. Anderson. If the DNA comes back a match for him, no big deal either way. He was married to her. I've heard husband's and wives have sex.... sometimes.
But if the test shows foreign DNA, well then someone else is did this crime!
Is that why the test wasn’t done? Because it could only hurt the prosecution’s case specifically against Mr. Anderson? To me it looks like they want to get rid of Mr. Anderson at any cost even if it means a murderer gets to go free! I am horrified!
Run the test. Make sure no one else was involved. The media should lean on this aspect of the case. Demand the DNA is compared to a national database.
How could they not have done this?
JM, push this please!
Jerry's lawyers were aware of the evidence. Why did they not ask for the rape kit to be tested? Did they already know that it would not exonerate him?
I have also wondered why the defense team didn't have the rape kit tested for DNA. Seems like pretty straight forward investigation. Or maybe they are scared of what will come from this test...only one way to find out.
Remember folks, this is Caldwell County and I am sure this type of case doesn't come along every day.
allison, for once I agree with you! Well... expect for the "husbands and wives having sex" part... LOL
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