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Friday, July 20, 2007

More paper please

They want a flip chart, which is just a really large pad of blank paper. I guess they are still deliberating hard back there, taking notes and writing out points. The judge will let them go until 11 and then they will take their usual break.

Will we learn anything today? Will Jerry spend another weekend in jail, waiting for a verdict - or as a guilty man, or will he be free? Maybe we will find out today. It's day seven of deliberations.


Blogger Soccerjox said...

I will tell you this Foreperson is really holding to her guns. She is really trying to get this case decided. Of course, the Judge continuously sending the Jurors back tells me he feels that there is enough evidence to come to a verdict.

July 20, 2007 at 10:28 AM  
Blogger Get real said...

It appears the jury foreman and others in agreement are going to put some points of interest/reasoning on paper and given that a flip chart has been requested, tell you it’s going to be written in big bold print for all too clearly see. One thing for sure, we know there not using the chart to list the items of physical evidence; they wouldn't need any paper for that!

July 20, 2007 at 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we wait for this jury, I think there is one massive point we could all consider when discussing lengthy deliberations:

These folks are us...
and just as we do right here on this messg. board, they will become emotional and when that happens the type-A (alpha) personalities can intimidate more passive jurors into changing their opinions... It happens OFTEN.
It should not happen and it does fall to the foreperson's responsibility to keep it from happening, however a jury of our peers is just that, a group of folks JUST LIKE US.
That can be a scary proposition and is the reason that Hon. Judge Cayer is being very careful to instruct these folks to NOT be intimidated and to take their time.
Afterall, this IS a case with Capital offense implications and should not be rushed at any point.

By now, the jurors must be comfortable with each other which lends to the idea that the longer things carry out the become less likely to change.

Just an observation...

July 20, 2007 at 11:06 AM  
Blogger eavesdropping said...

A lot of you have made excellent points (based on the evidence presented) for both sides.....I know most everyone wants this over but if a mistrial is declared, and it is decided to begin again, I hope both sides regroup and dig deeper. I for one feel that the families and the community both could have a more complete closure if there wasn't so many unanswered questions. If it ends like this then there will always be speculations and accusations no matter what the verdict.

By the way- does anyone know if the charges stay the same if JA is retried? Is it possible that the prosecution can seek a "lesser" charge like 2nd degree murder or manslaughter, like some of the bloggers have mentioned or must he still face the death penalty if convicted of murder one?

July 20, 2007 at 11:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well it's Friday! If it's not decided today then the juriors will have another weekend to avoid questions by family and friends and probably another sleepless weekend.

I was interviewed for the murder trial when Janet Hall was triedand convicted of murder. Man I didn't want to be on that jury and because I sold her and her husband their doublewide back in 97 I got out of it.

That really wasn't a question of did she kill here son and nearly kill her daughter, it was a question of was she competent of knowing what she had done because they blamed it on Prozac. This one is so much different. These juriors have been through hell and we've all got to give them credit. They are trying to put this to rest. If they wind up as a hung jury then it's probably never really going to be decided in the same way and with the finality it could have been. I hope they reach a verdict today. Not only for their sake but for everyone involved. Just reading the comments and the paper and knowing the hardships that have been placed on both families involved has got me feeling sorry for them. I think we should all be praying for God to guide this jury to do the right thing.

July 20, 2007 at 11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree LARRY... this must be quite a grind for those folks.

Its really a sad situation all around.
Everywhere you look around this issue there is death and we ought not forget that, ever.

I really hope that for the sake of the community, should the jury be hung, that actual useful evidence is gathered and the perp. is truly found tried and convicted.
As a community we should let our voices be heard and whichever side your opinion falls on we need to put it all aside and demand a more competant investigation.
This is our HOME... we cannot accept a hung-jury as the finality of a MURDER.
Let's maintain respect for a law enforcement, but let's also turn up the heat on our officials and insist that they provide our uniformed men and women the resources they need to do their job to the fullest.
Absolute power will corrupt absolutely... unless we speak out and shine the spot light on the darkest corner of the county.

July 20, 2007 at 11:45 AM  
Blogger lady said...

Great thinking Larry. I have been doing that exact thing. Praying that God will lead the jurors to the decision. We all know in the end he is the ultimate judge not ourselves here on earth.

July 20, 2007 at 11:51 AM  

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