Another week comes to an end
* He met with Jerry Anderson the day following the discovery of Emily's body. He showed Jerry a photo of Emily taken from the night before, just to confirm an identification. Stafford said Jerry was calm and didn't show any emotion to the photograph. Stafford said he didn't know Jerry. He's been around a lot of family members during death notifications and some have broken down, but it would not be fair to say he hasn't seen anyone act like Jerry before.
* The reason Stafford said he was so stern with Gardner about the time of death was because he wanted to be as accurate as possible. He also needed to know if this crime occurred in North or South Carolina. He also thought it was odd the victim was found in the same clothes reported missing in but she didn't die until two or four days prior to her body being found.
* During a conversation with Jerry Anderson, Stafford said Jerry wanted to know how long he was going to be a suspect. Anderson said he was worried the investigators would twist his words around. He also hated all the media coverage (imagine what he thinks now!). Jerry also wanted to donate Emily's clothing to the church, and he wanted to destroy all of Emily's photos... "That just needed to die," Stafford said Jerry said.
* Stafford said he reviewed phone records regarding the phone call that came into the Waffle House on Jan. 7 about Emily's truck. Two calls were from Dallas, Texas. One lasted five seconds, the other one minute and 53 seconds - that was the call investigators believe concerned Emily's truck. However, Stafford said he's tried numerous outlets and investigated up until this April, and has never identified where or whom that call came from.
The rest of his testimony was to collaborate other witnesses' statements, such as Antonio Reyes and Martin Tallas. When we recessed, Stafford was talking about the search conducted at the Anderson farm on Jan. 18.
I would guess Stafford will be back on the stand Monday. However, the jurors will not return until 2 p.m. That's because we are having another little mini-hearing Monday morning. This time to determine what, if any, a SBI agent can testify to about chemical testing done to determine blood. I guess councils are hoping that will take just the morning on Monday. But remember, the mini-hearing about the dog man took two full days... We'll see Monday. I'll be back then. Have a great weekend.